
Don’t be mistaken — it’s essential that you push yourself in the gym. However, just because high-intensity interval training (HIIT) has become incredibly popular doesn’t mean it’s the only option for people who want to burn fat and lose weight. In fact, you can trim inches off your waistline without coming close to hitting your
Among experienced lifters, heading into the gym for a focused chest and triceps workout stands as a testament to serious commitment. From powerlifters aiming for their next bench press PR to bodybuilders striving for a near-perfect physique, these sessions are fundamental in the lifting world. It’s not just about the aesthetics; it’s about strength, resilience,
What is 12-3-30? It’s not an important date in gym history from almost 100 years ago. It’s a social media-based fitness phenomenon. Simply, it requires using a treadmill set at a specific incline, moving at a specific speed, for a specific length of time. Credit: Estrada Anton / Shutterstock It’s an incredibly straightforward approach that
Chances are, there’s been a time in your gym experience where you’ve considered working as a personal trainer because you love fitness. That is a fantastic starting point because, who doesn’t want to make a career out of wearing gym clothes and spending hours breathing a mix of creatine dust and other people’s sweat?  On
Let’s face it: The treadmill (unfairly) gets a bad rap. Merely mentioning it as a cardio option can quickly cause your training partner’s enthusiasm to evaporate. After all, many people associate treadmill workouts with unflattering terms like boring, monotonous, and uninspiring. Yet even if your previous treadmill experiences failed to elicit motivation or effective results,
Many people who exercise tend to label themselves “lifters” because, well, they lift weights in the gym. However, what some people (conveniently?) overlook is that there’s a whole other world of exercise available to them — cardio training. While the thought of treadmills, ellipticals, recumbent bikes, and assorted machinery might trigger waves of muscle-burning trepidation,
Something magical happens near the beginning of every dedicated lifter’s love affair with resistance training. There’s a period of unprecedented gains in strength and size. Some refer to the muscular adaptations realized during this stage as “newbie gains.”  Don’t let the derogatory connotation fool you. Newbie gains are awesome. You’ll hit frequent personal bests, stack
In the realm of fitness, few training methodologies have ignited as much debate, and enthusiasm, as CrossFit. CrossFit is characterized by its emphasis on constantly varied functional movements performed at a high intensity. CrossFit workouts typically blend elements from Olympic weightlifting, endurance sports, and gymnastics. Yet, despite drawing from largely niche sports that require relatively