
Pushing your limits has no official season, but the summer can bring a heat that can humble you. As the heat comes, it is crucial to understand the environmental implications on performance so you can overcome them. The heat significantly affects your body’s physiology, whether you’re heading outside for cardio, traveling to a breathtaking hiking
You may have heard that back squats work more glutes, and front squats work more quads. Loading positions can be dissected more profoundly than expected, with differences in muscle activation, joint angles, and joint force. Let’s discuss these differences according to what the research has found to help you select the best squat loading position
Proper hydration becomes even more crucial as the summer heat kicks in, activities are taken outdoors, and the days get longer. Whether you lift weights, do endurance, or are an outdoors enthusiast, knowing the signs of dehydration and having a hydration plan will ensure you perform your best. Even moderate dehydration can negatively impact your
Cardio remains a cornerstone of fitness for getting in shape and maximizing your summer shred. Cardio exercise is for you whether you want to burn fat, boost endurance, or elevate your overall health. As the temperature rises and the days grow longer, now is the perfect time to explore new and exciting forms of cardio
Are short-length partial reps good for anything? Recently, much discussion has been happening on the best range of motion for hypertrophy, with evidence showing that long-length partials and full range of motion are best. However, what about the efficacy of short-length partials on strength compared to other ranges of motion? Let’s talk about the value
Twisted ankles and getting winded may be fears holding you back from getting back to hiking this summer. If it’s been a while since you’ve hiked and you want to crush your favorite big bike, try these three training approaches. Heels-Up and Single-Leg Exercises for Ankle Stability Nobody wants a twisted ankle at the beginning
Do you experience occasional pain after workouts? Or complain about sore, achy muscles after an intense “leg day?” No matter how fit you are, it’s nearly impossible not to experience some post-workout pain now and then   There is no shortage of choices available for addressing pain, but some options carry risks many people want to
We’re all seeing it- the videos going viral across social media of people dunking their bodies into gallons of ice cold water. Similar to working out, if you don’t post or talk about it, it didn’t happen, right? Whether you’re posting selfies from the plunge or sitting in solitude, the health benefits far exceed being
Recovery from home has gotten a whole lot smarter over the years, and now more than ever we’re seeing general fitness enthusiasts add saunas to their home. From clearer and softer skin, to better sleep and reduced muscle or joint pain, adding sauna to your routine can come with a plethora of health benefits, the
It’s that time of year again where runners are back outside putting in those miles. What some don’t realize is the importance of strength training in their running programs. Strength training has been shown to increase running performance and reduce the likelihood of injury (6, 2, 3).  If you are a runner looking for strength
To achieve the best outcomes, follow the principle of specificity and train in a way that closely mimics the movements and demands of the sport. Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) is a predominantly ground-based sport that requires a combination of stability, mobility, and strength in unconventional positions (1, 3). To cater to these specific needs, we recommend
There are two key points to an effective workout: executing each exercise with proper form and structuring the exercises in a sound order. This article will discuss some strategies to program exercises correctly, focusing on the optimal order for resistance training workouts. Programming exercise order correctly can lead to increased gains, sustained energy throughout the