
To paraphrase the great American writer, Mark Twain, “Too much of anything is bad, but too much pre-workout is barely enough.” Twain originally chose whiskey as the beverage of choice, but there’s a good chance he’d find the humor in the near-obsession some modern day “fitness” enthusiasts have with potent pre-workout concoctions. Judicious use of
Pre-workout supplements have become increasingly popular among fitness enthusiasts in recent years. It’s almost as if, are you even a serious lifter if you don’t dry scoop some pre-workout in the gym parking lot before your warm-up? Due to their prevalence within gym culture and notable performance-boosting effects, everybody has their go to pre-workout supplements
Pre-workout is a commonly utilized and diverse supplement that may provide benefits to your workout via focus, energy, blood flow, and muscle gain. You may find ingredients like citrulline, beta-alanine, betaine, caffeine, and BCAAs, all of which are pretty common within pre-workout supplements. Although pre-workout is not a “one size fits all” supplement, we think there is a pre-workout for just about any