olympic weightlifting

On May 1-2, 2022, Eishiro “Tank” Murakami shared some of his recent top lifts — a 192-kilogram (423.2-pound) snatch and a 233-kilogram (513.6-pound) clean & jerk. Murakami achieved both of the feats while competing in the Men’s 109-kilogram-plus division during the 2022 All-Japan Championships — a multi-discipline event that took place in Tokyo, Japan, in
Olympian weightlifters are consistently some of the world’s strongest athletes. With her latest staggering feat in training, Katherine Nye is no exception. On April 22, 2022, the Team USA weightlifter — who competes in the 76-kilogram weight class — logged a new personal record when she squatted 186 kilograms (410 pounds). Check out the stellar