leg day

Simple bodybuilding programs are a little too easy to find. You could pull them from fitness magazines — those ghost-written workouts that your favorite bodybuilders supposedly follow. You could roll the dice and ask an artificial intelligence chatbot to generate one for you. Or, you could attempt to develop one for yourself. Just a few
The front squat is one of the most effective lower body exercises, offering tons of benefits from strength and muscle size to athleticism and mobility. The same exercise can also be daunting because it requires coordination from head to toe. This challenging squat variation can even be awkward for some lifters because it demands more
Whether you want to build an impressive set of wheels, boost your strength, or improve athletic performance, your training had better include some single-leg exercises. Indeed, they are invaluable for balancing your physique, addressing weaknesses, improving leg strength, and providing a nasty pump. Credit: Vladimir Sukhachev / Shutterstock Among the best single-leg exercises are lunges,
The front squat is a staple movement for Olympic weightlifters, CrossFit athletes, and countless other strength-focused lifters. However, some find the unique bar position to be a limiting factor because it requires ample shoulder and wrist mobility. Credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock Other lifters shy away from the front squat because they can move relatively
“You’ve gotta squat” can be heard echoing through gyms worldwide. At face value, it’s undoubtedly useful advice. Squatting strengthens the entire lower body and builds muscle in the legs, while also working the core and upper-body stabilizers. However, squatting isn’t one specific exercise; it’s a general movement pattern. Telling someone to squat is like telling
Everybody’s keen on boasting about their squat numbers, but many people overlook single-leg work. That’s a pity because unilateral exercises — single-arm or single-leg movements — offer unique benefits such as avoiding overusing the dominant side, isolating and correcting muscle or strength imbalances, improving balance, body awareness and preventing injuries. Credit: MDV Edwards / Shutterstock