Exercise Guides

On one hand, the deadlift is as simple and straightforward as “pick the heavy bar up off the ground and stand up.” On the other hand, the deadlift is an intricate series of muscular coordinations, involving muscles from your ankles and thighs to your abdomen and lower back to your shoulders, wrists, and hands. Because
Back exercises come in two basic patterns: vertical, or overhead, pulls, like the classic pull-up, and horizontal rows. Many lifters are familiar with standard pull-ups, chin-ups, and pulldowns, but the wide variety of rows requires more specific attention. The seated cable row offers distinct advantages over barbells, dumbbells, or other machines. The combination of body
The front squat is one of the most fundamental, functional, and yet commonly-overlooked lower body exercises. It develops strength, power, conditioning, and leg size while reducing lower back stress compared to other squat variations. Despite its benefits, many lifters mistakenly consider front squats “too advanced” for beginners or, worse yet, merely a lesser alternative to