Exercise Guides

Big basic exercises like the bench press, pull-up, and barbell row are great for building your back, chest, and even shoulders, but they might not suffice to fill your sleeves and build an impressive set of guns. Credit: pixelheadphoto digitalskillet / Shutterstock Training your biceps directly will not only contribute to specific muscle growth, but
Mention the triceps kickback in certain lifting circles and you might generate some side eye looks of disappointment or even a bit of mocking laughter. This short-sighted response comes from the exercise’s unfortunate and unfair reputation of being ineffective, or being performed only by people with “less-than-serious” goals. The dumbbell kickback was once a staple
If you want the most well-developed chest possible, the bench press is not enough. Sure, big multi-joint lifts are very efficient at putting heaps of meat on your frame, but if you really want to take your muscular development to the next level, you’ll have to include some isolation (single-joint) movements to specifically target individual