Farnese Hercules Bodybuilding Program (Ancient Greek Herculean Physique Workout)


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Farnese Hercules Lifting Program:
Σ = forearms, Φ = calves, Ψ = neck, Π = abs

Upper 1:

Bench press OR Dips OR Weighted push-ups 3-4×6-12 + Inverted rows AMRAP Φ
OHP or DB press 3×6-10 + Weighted chin-ups 3×5 + Russian twists 3×12-15 Φ
Skull crushers 4×8-12 + DB curls 4×6-12 + Finger curls 4×8-10 Ψ

Lower 1:

Squats OR Zercher squats 3-4×6-10 Σ
RDLs OR Back hyperextensions 4×8-12 + Shrugs 4×12-15 OR Farmer’s walks (if hypers) Π
Bulgarian split squats OR Single leg press 3×10-15 + Towel OR Dumbbell hold 3x15s + Calf raises 3×15 Ψ

Upper 2:

DB row OR Barbell row OR Seal row 3-4×6-12 + Push-ups AMRAP Π
Pullovers 3×6-12 + Preacher curls (EZ bar or DB) 3×6-10 + Lateral OR Arnold raises 3×8-12 Σ
Hang snatch pull OR Upright rows 4×10-15 + Neck curls 4×15-20 + Windshield Wipers 4×12-15 Σ

Lower 2:

Deadlifts 3×3-5 OR Good mornings 3×6-12 Φ
Block pulls 4×6-12 OR Farmer’s walks (if mornings) OR Hip thrusts 4×10-15 + Sternum pull-ups AMRAP Π
Belt squats OR Leg press 4×8-15 + Wide grip shrugs 4×12-15 + Leg curls OR GHR 4×10-20 Φ


Close grip bench press OR Landmine press 4×6-10 + Kroc rows 4×6-12 OR Supinated rows AMRAP Φ
Hammer curls OR Pinwheel curls 4×8-12 + Pullovers 4×12-15 OR Pull-ups AMRAP + DB flies 4×10-15 Ψ
Supinated finger curls 3×6-12 + Rope triceps extensions 3×10-15 + V-sit ups AMRAP Ψ

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