Bodybuilding Nutrition Made Easy


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Many bodybuilders know they need to have “good nutrition” to build a great physique but they are not quite sure where to start as nutrition seems complicated and mysterious — its not! Bodybuilding nutrition is really quite simple if you use a top-down approach. A lot of the confusion people have is that they hear “you should do this” and “you should do that” only to find that all the advice seems to conflict and doesn’t seem to fit into a bigger picture. here I’m going to give you the bigger picture so YOU can put together your OWN nutritional plan to meet your goals.

A bodybuilders nutritional plan is very similar to a personal financial budget. Both are about making difficult choices and then sticking to the budget — in both cases, disaster strikes if you blow the budget. If you blow your financial budget, you end up over your head in 21% credit card debt. If you blow your nutritional budget you end up fat or weak.

In a financial plan you start with your income and then subtract out the nonnegotiable expenses like taxes and rent to find out how much spending money we have. For our nutritional plan we start with amount of calories we can eat per day, then subtract out the things we need for lean muscle growth then see how many cheat foods we can have. Lets look at how easy the top down approach to bodybuilding nutritional planning is.

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