3 Signs Of OVERTRAINING | Abhinav Mahajan #shorts #bodybuilding


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Overtraining occurs when an athlete ignores the signs of overreaching and continues to train. Many athletes believe that weakness or poor performance signals the need for even harder training, so they continue to push themselves. This only breaks down the body further.

Symptoms of Overtraining
Increased muscle soreness that gets worse the more you train.
A plateau or decline in athletic performance.
Inability to train at the level you usually do.
Excessive sweating and overheating.
Feeling like your muscles are heavy or stiff, especially your legs.

What are 5 symptoms of over training?
Exercise-related symptoms of overtraining:

(2) A perception of increased exertion during “normal” or “easy” workouts. (3) Excessive sweating or overheating. (4) Unusual feelings of heaviness, stiffness, or soreness in muscles. (5) A lack of feeling “refreshed” after regular rest and recovery.

Exercising too much without resting enough in between can lead to low testosterone levels and high levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. These hormonal changes are often associated with loss of muscle tissue, weight gain, and excess belly fat.

What to do if You’re Overtrained:
Stop exercising. …
Reduce the number of sets and reps, length of time, or intensity of training. …
Introduce recovery days and weeks. …
Relieve tension and stress. …
Identify nutritional deficiencies in your diet. …
Listen to your body.

Five things preventing you from building muscle
Doing too much cardio. This a topic of much debate. …
Overtraining, not enough rest. Overtraining is often misunderstood; it’s not inclusive to workouts alone. …
Using too much weight and bad form. …
Not eating right or enough. …
Lack of accountability and poor planning.

Studies show that muscles need anywhere from 24-72 hours to recover. But if you’re still sore past the 72-hour mark, be sure to rest; this type of extended soreness is a sign your muscles aren’t recovering. Soreness is your body’s way of telling you to that it needs more energy to repair and recover.

What does overtraining look like?
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The telltale sign of overtraining is a lack of improved performance, despite an increase in training intensity or volume. Decreased agility, strength and endurance, such as slower reaction timesand reduced running speeds are all common signs of overtraining.

You have less capacity to absorb the physical demands, so the dysfunction happens sooner. A rapid increase in training workload is a frequent cause of overtraining for novices or people who are starting with less fitness. Experienced athletes can also trigger overtraining symptoms by doing too much too soon.

The rep ranges for muscle building is 6-12 reps per set and you should be lifting with a weight that you struggle to complete the last couple reps on each set with good form.

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